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Park Activities

(from DCNR Calendar of Events) 

Saturday, March 8, 8 AM to 10:00 AM

What's That Duck? 

Duck identification is a great way to get your feet wet in the world of birding. Meet at the marina pavilion to learn about the different duck species we could possibly see in Pennsylvania. 

Then, we will put your new knowledge to the test by driving and walking to different spots along the shore using binoculars and spotting scopes to try to spot as many ducks as we can see. Please bring binoculars if you have them, and dress for the weather.


Friday, March 21, 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Ephemeral Exploration

Don’t blink! Ephemeral plants are here and then they are gone. Celebrate the start of spring by joining the park naturalist for 0.7-mile hike on the Falling Run Nature Tail as we keep an eye out for spring ephemerals. Please wear study footwear and dress for the weather.


Saturday, March 22, 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM

Waterfowl Watch

Spring migration is in full flight, and Lake Wilhelm is great pitstop for waterfowl to take a break. Meet at Launch 3 to go on a driving tour of the lake, while we make stops at different launches to view what waterfowl are making a layover. Please bring binoculars if you have them and dress for the weather.


Saturday, March 29, 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Vernal Pool Probe

Join the park naturalist for a family-friendly investigation of the park’s vernal pools. We will discover who calls these temporary pools home. We will meet at the dam and hike a half mile up the Goddard-McKeever trail to the site. 

This hike is steep and considered more difficult hiking. For those that need accommodation, please contact Megan McDowell at or calling the park office, (724)253-4833. Please wear study footwear and dress to get wet.


Sunday, March 30, 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM

A Walk on Walker Run

Celebrate National Take a Walk in the Park Day with the park naturalist. This 2.25-mile walk will be a loop that combines part of the Goddard-McKeever Trail, and the John C. Oliver Multi-Purpose Trail. As we walk along, we will enjoy the fresh spring air to help shake off the winter blues. Please meet at Launch 1 and wear study footwear, dress for the weather, and bring water.

For additional information about park programs, please call the office at (724) 253-4833.




















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Maurice K. Goddard State Park

To view a slideshow of park photos, click on "Goddard Photos" at the top of the page.


Mercer County boasts a 2,800 - acre wonder — the lake, wetlands, fields and forests of Maurice K. Goddard State Park.

Lake Wilhelm marina at Maurice K. Goddard State Park

The park marina basks under a summer sun.


Named for the father of Pennsylvania’s state park system, Goddard is a perfect place for biking, fishing, boating, and picnicking. It’s also close to hunting opportunities at Gamelands 270.

Founded in 2002, the Friends of Goddard (or FROG) assist the park in many ways: They raise funds for special projects, help coordinate cleanups, and organize the annual Pioneer Frolic, now Country at the Crick, the last weekend in June, as well as Music at the Marina in August. FROG's accomplishments include donation of a shelter for the park’s 12-mile paved bike trail and of a playground for children at the marina.



A wildlife educator demonstrates the grasping power of a hawk.


FROG membership is free. Become a "friend" and get involved. Your help is needed with :


Young reenactors cross wooden swords at the Pioneer Frolic

Young reenactors cross wooden swords at the Pioneer Frolic.


The Friends of Goddard State Park meet on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM at the park office building. We are looking for people with all types of interests, including nearby landowners, boaters, birders, hunters, bikers, and others.The Friends of Goddard are a partner group with the Pennsylvania Parks and Forest Foundation (PPFF).



Milkweed and many other flowers grow wild at Goddard State Park.


bike trail

The bike trail at Goddard State Park provides scenic views year-round.


car show

Classic autos gleam at the Music at the Marina car show.


Music at the Marina

Children play in front of the stage at Music at the Marina.